About Peninsula Dog Fanciers’ Club
The Peninsula Dog Fanciers’ Club, Inc., was founded in 1950. The Club is dedicated to promoting the interests of all dogs and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows.
Since its inception, the PDFC has been involved in sponsoring many dog events, educational clinics and seminars. We appreciate our community and have hosted multiple community based events including AKC Fitness Walks on our beautiful local trails. We have also donated to a number of organizations to benefit dogs that includes the Kitsap County Humane Society, The Woof Project Rescue, Kitsap County 4H, Old Dog Haven and K9s for Warriors.
The Peninsula Dog Fanciers’ Club currently holds Conformation dog shows and Obedience and Rally trials at the end of March at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds. Performance Weekend Events and some preparation trainings are held throughout the year with enough events to title your dog in a variety of sports. We are looking forward to expanding our show catalog based on the interests of our membership.
A not-for-profit organization, the PDFC strives to touch many audiences within the community through activities that promote interest in dogs, responsible dog ownership and canine health. Come join the fun!

Marion Bond- President
Cindy Keen – Treasurer
Jordan Olsen – Vice President
Patty Michak – Secretary
Caron Cromwell – Membership Chair
AKC Delegate – Wayne Bond
Pat Jackson – Board Member
Penny Collins – Board Member
Katrina Jones – Board Member
Geri Mason – Board Member