Meetings & Membership
We are delighted to welcome dog enthusiasts interested in supporting our club and
community. Please contact our Membership Chair if you are interested in joining the
club at:
Prior to application, candidates must attend two general meetings (in person
encouraged; Zoom acceptable) and assist with two club activities. An affirmative vote of
2/3 of the full members present shall be required for associate membership.
The club has four levels of membership:
Associate, Full, Junior and Honorary.

Associate Membership:
All new applicants start as an associate member for a period of six months to see if the club is a good fit.
Associate members may not vote or hold office and do not count in the determination of a quorum. During this time, associate members are expected to again attend at least two general meetings and to assist the club with two events or projects. This level of membership is also for people that wish to support the club but are unable to actively participate. Associate members may apply for full membership at the end of six months. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the full members present shall be required for full membership.
Annual Dues: $15
Full Membership:
Full members are encouraged to attend at least four general meetings each year, participate in at least three club activities of their choice and be current on their club dues. Full members are able to actively participate. They are eligible to vote and hold office.
Annual Dues: $20
Junior Membership:
Available to youth through seventeen years of age. Junior members do not pay dues. They cannot vote or hold office and do not count in the determination of a quorum. Junior Members convert to Associate Membership on their eighteenth birthday.
Honorary Membership:
This is a special and rare level of membership extended to individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to benefit the club (formerly known as life membership). Honorary Members are full members.

Peninsula Dog Fanciers’ Club membership dues are payable on or before the first day of July of each year. Membership will automatically lapse if dues are not paid by the first day of September of each year.
In no case may a person vote at any club meeting whose dues are delinquent. Should this inadvertently occur, please contact our Membership Chair regarding reinstatement.
You may pay your dues via mail or in person at a meeting. Please make your check or money order payable to: Peninsula Dog Fancier’s Club. Please note “Membership” on the subject line.
If you choose to mail in your membership application and dues, please send to:
P.O. Box 986
Silverdale, WA 98383
Attn. Membership Chair
General Membership meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month.
Clear Creek Community Club
12641 Clear Creek Rd NW
Silverdale, WA 98383
Social Time: 6:00 p.m – General Meeting: 6:30 p.m.